Gaming and Pandas


Sarif Industries Website “Breached”. New Deus Ex: Human Revolution Information Incoming?

The industrious folks over at Eidos Montreal sure know how to play with their ARGs.  Likely linked with the much theorized secret code in Deus Ex: Human Revolution, the Sarif Industries website seems to have been hacked by a human-first organization known as Purity First.

While I’m not a personal fan of ARG shenanigans pulled by PR companies, you still have to admit that this looks pretty cool…

What does this mean? More than likely, incoming DLC. But don’t take our word for it. Check it out for yourself before your eyes become augmented.  We’ll try to give you a LEG up by giving you a HAND.  Keep an EYE out for the little red dots.  They lead to the hidden Lazarus broadcast files that give you information ABOUT the detractors.  They’re not hard to find if you just use your BRAIN.

“I Am Alive” Isn’t Dead?


Apparently, the ghost of Ubisoft’s game that we haven’t seen since E3 2008 isn’t the vaporware we all thought it was.  Just released is a gameplay trailer of I Am Alive.  Dig it.

New Assassin’s Creed: Revelations Gameplay Trailer

Featuring Altair, Ezio, and…dubstep.

Just try to ignore the dubstep.

DOTA2 GamesCom Trailer

What does a hero truly need? This video grants a few leads…

Diablo III NDA Is Expired: Here’s Your Diablo III Info

Ready your jowls, Blizzard fans.  Here’s some Diablo III info sure to make you moist.  Listed is a short summary of the beta information, as well as some information of the game itself with a handful of what’s sure to be controversial features.  Enjoy:


The Pando Pandemic: Why You Might Already Be Infected


Does your internet feel tired?  Run down?  Does it pop out of parties?  Is it unpoopular?  Well, you probably have Pando Media Booster to blame for your poor internet performance as of late.  But what exactly is Pando Media Booster?  (more…)

So…Multiplayer Morrowind?

Imagine this: You’re traversing the barrens of the West Gash when you get swarmed by a mob of cliff racers.  Your mana and health are both low, and after using all the skills at your disposal, you’re still in a hopeless situation.  Enter your non AI friend.  With a few enchants here and there, he buffs you, heals you, and helps you take down this mob better than any AI buddy could.  Mere fantasy?  Apparently not. (more…)

Listen to Your Supreme Court Justices Make This Guy Sweat About Videogames

The Supreme Court recently ruled that the California violent videogames law was indeed unconstitutional.  A step in the right direction for videogames to be treated in the eyes of the law as an equal to film and televison, yes.  But how exactly did the proceedings go?

For the uninitiated, Supreme Court hearings are the hottest of the hotseats, where the Justices will relentlessly grill your stance on the constitutionality of the issue you’re representing.  In this case, Zachary Morazzini was asked to state his case why the California videogames ban was NOT unconstitutional.  If you listen carefully at around the one minute mark, you can hear Attorney General Morazzini’s Law degree crying.


“Greed is Good” – The Phrase That Spurred the EVE Online Riots

When it comes to MMOs, the word Microtransaction has been sacrilege to the average gamer; it’s definitely been the cause of angry gamers since Bethesda and the horse armor debacle. Couple this with the fact that MMOs have been a pretty good cash crop for the last few years, and you have a recipe for success, right? (more…)

Meet the Medic Now Live!

Control your orgasms, boys…


Microsoft Bringing Interactive Ads to Xbox 360 With Kinect

by Kyle Sondergaard

Microsoft has announced that they are launching an interactive ad campaign on Xbox 360. (more…)

Indie Game: The Movie – You’ve Probably Never Heard Of It

Yeah, you read that right.  In yet another brave attempt at cross-medium exposure, a film is being made to highlight the tale of the average indie game developer.  The documentary is meant to be a dramatic expose (ala the awesome King of Kong) that chronicles the struggles, successes, failures, and even the mundane moments of an indie developer’s development cycle, as well as offering an insight into their mindset.  Hit the jump for the trailer proper. (more…)

My Little Pony Fighting Game? My Little Pony Fighting Game…

Oh god...why did I write this?!

Love it or hate it, you have to admit: The My Little Pony craze has spread like wildfire. Whether or not the craze is irony-driven or entirely legitimate is up for debate. Regardless, this rabid “fandom” seems to have spawned a cross-cultural hellspawn: a Friendship is Magic fan-made fighting game.

Hold on to your hooves…


LulzSec finishes Titanic Takeover Tuesday in style

After taking down the login severs and websites for huge online games Eve Online and Minecraft, then attacking the gaming news/entertainment site The Escapist, Lulzsec finished out their reign of terror on gamers by taking down the login sever for popular Free-to-Play game League of Legends.

LoL is notorious for being a favorite of 4chan’s /v/ board so it’ll be fun to see how they react when something near and dear to their hearts is taken down. It seems this hacker group grows stronger by the week.

[Updated] Hackers Strike Again: EVE online, Minecraft, and Escapist Magazine Down

UPDATE:  In a recent tweet Lulzsec has announced that they are stopping the attack on Minecraft and preparing an attack on a as of yet unconfirmed target.

After laying claim to taking out the Playstation Network for over a month, the group of anonamous hackers that call themselves “lulzsec” have been merely a thorn in the side of gamers since then, taking down or hacking minor porn or gaming-related websites that not a whole lot of people expected to be hack-proof such as Sony’s Belgium site.

But today… they have dubbed today Titanic Takeover Tuesday…

Star Wars: The Old Republic Beta- Character Creation Screenshots

All of us here are currently still basking in the glow of the blissful presentations from the Big 3 at E3.  So when our resident Star Wars geeks stumbled upon this gem, they understandably went into a nerdgasm-induced coma.  So I’m here to deliver unto you folks screenshots of the character creation screens from the SWTOR beta.

All images in this post can be embiggened simply by clicking on them.



Sic Burn! Notch and Minecraft Get Mad Dissed, Yo!

Beloved indie-gaming darling Notch seems to have spawn a Bizarro-world adversary.  A tumblr has recently popped up entitled THE WORD OF KROTCH.  Some things to notice about the parody blog: The gigantic donation button, the references to the vacation, and…a download link?  Yep, that’s right.  LineCraft is real and available to download!

Enjoy your satire.

Sony Conference Round-up

Alright, so our minds are thoroughly blown by Sony’s dubstep-heavy presentation.  So collect your brains off the wall, and cast your eyes this way.  Here’s your Sony Conference E3 breakdown. (more…)

Second Wave of Kinect Titles Announced

by Kyle Sondergaard

After a long absence of new software for Kinect,  Microsoft’s E3 conference gave us a whole list of new games with support for the peripheral. As expected, there were many titles geared toward a more casual audience, but this year, Microsoft is putting more effort into making Kinect appeal to the hardcore crowd who have had their reservations about the device thus far. (more…)

When the Hackers Get Hacked: The Members of Lulzsec, Revealed!

Apparently, the folks responsible for the recent hooplah of Sony and Nintendo’s servers have been infiltrated.  A social engineer known only as jux managed to join their chat channel and gather some information about the guys involved.  The full pastebin of their information can be found here.

So what’s your verdict?  Do you think the hackers deserve to get hacked and have their information leaked in an ultimate act of irony?  Or do you believe that everyone has a right to privacy, even these fine folks?


Top 5 Forum-Breaking E3 Announcements

5. New consoles

We all know this one is coming up eventually, but it’ll be interesting to see if there’s any announcements made about the new consoles for the next generation. We’ve already heard rumors regarding Nintendo’s project cafe and the mysterious ‘Beem‘, but there’s also been talk about developer kits being released based on current PC hardware, similar to what was done in the past before the console were officially announced. Although denied it could be one of those surprises at E3. (more…)

Duke Nukem Forever Config Data Reveals MP Perks and…Hats?

Prepare your bodies.  Industrious folks have cracked yet another game source to find the hidden goodies within.  These include multiplayer perks, achievements, skins, and hats aplenty.

Enjoy! (more…)

Whoops…Accidentally Post Something to the Online Store There, EA?

Supposedly posted to the EA online Store, then promptly removed.  Cast your peepers on this:

“Better With Kinect!”  Also notice the possible Omni-tool melee weapon?  Whatever you may think, one standard remains  true: Orange and Blue reigns supreme.

So what do you folks think? Legit?  Or painfully fake?

Modern Warfare 3 To Have Subscription-based Model?

Ah yes.  Activision.  In another chapter of their storied drama, this gem pops up from the Wall Street Journal.  Apparently, the head honchos over at Activision are seriously considering slapping an additional fee with online play for their, and this is their quote here, “hyper-realistic combat-simulation game” Modern Warfare 3.  The service, called Call of Duty Elite, will feature a $7.99 a month Netflix-type subscription based model for continued access to it, and future installments. (more…)