Gaming and Pandas

Archive for August, 2011

Sarif Industries Website “Breached”. New Deus Ex: Human Revolution Information Incoming?

The industrious folks over at Eidos Montreal sure know how to play with their ARGs.  Likely linked with the much theorized secret code in Deus Ex: Human Revolution, the Sarif Industries website seems to have been hacked by a human-first organization known as Purity First.

While I’m not a personal fan of ARG shenanigans pulled by PR companies, you still have to admit that this looks pretty cool…

What does this mean? More than likely, incoming DLC. But don’t take our word for it. Check it out for yourself before your eyes become augmented.  We’ll try to give you a LEG up by giving you a HAND.  Keep an EYE out for the little red dots.  They lead to the hidden Lazarus broadcast files that give you information ABOUT the detractors.  They’re not hard to find if you just use your BRAIN.

Portal’s Fan Film That You MUST See

Portal: No Escape i-…aw hell.  It’s a blockbuster-quality Portal fan film.  What more do you want?!

“I Am Alive” Isn’t Dead?


Apparently, the ghost of Ubisoft’s game that we haven’t seen since E3 2008 isn’t the vaporware we all thought it was.  Just released is a gameplay trailer of I Am Alive.  Dig it.

New Assassin’s Creed: Revelations Gameplay Trailer

Featuring Altair, Ezio, and…dubstep.

Just try to ignore the dubstep.

DOTA2 GamesCom Trailer

What does a hero truly need? This video grants a few leads…

DOTA2 Screens Leaked

Yeah, you read that right.  Not much else to say, as the images speak for themselves.

As always, click the following images to embiggen. (more…)

The Inception Gameboy

There’s always the obligatory *put a X in yo Y* joke here, but we’re bigger than that. Enjoy the video.

Five Games To Play After The England Riots

While the pseudo-revolutionists go crazy rioting, looting, and generally causing mischief on the streets of England, gamers are cosily in their bedrooms, doing what they love – gaming – but we feel that gamers all around the world are missing out on some action. The following is a list of games in which virtual-mischief can be caused in more ways than one, without the danger of injury/imprisonment/death looming around every corner.


40 Minutes of Skyrim Gameplay. Thank Us Later.

10:42- Nirnroot Confirmed
11:00- Dark Brotherhood Confirmed
24:20- Gandalf Confirmed