Gaming and Pandas


The Inception Gameboy

There’s always the obligatory *put a X in yo Y* joke here, but we’re bigger than that. Enjoy the video.

Five Games To Play After The England Riots

While the pseudo-revolutionists go crazy rioting, looting, and generally causing mischief on the streets of England, gamers are cosily in their bedrooms, doing what they love – gaming – but we feel that gamers all around the world are missing out on some action. The following is a list of games in which virtual-mischief can be caused in more ways than one, without the danger of injury/imprisonment/death looming around every corner.


The Pando Pandemic: Why You Might Already Be Infected


Does your internet feel tired?  Run down?  Does it pop out of parties?  Is it unpoopular?  Well, you probably have Pando Media Booster to blame for your poor internet performance as of late.  But what exactly is Pando Media Booster?  (more…)

Press Start: Why?

A personal favorite

Tableau:  You get home from a hard day’s grind at work or school.  You plop down in front of the couch, turn on your television and gaming console, and start up your favorite game to unwind.  You skip the opening movie and are greeted by a title screen with the words PRESS START.  You bypass that to get to the main menu of the screen.  But then, a nagging thought hits you:

What was the point of the Start Screen in the first place? (more…)

“Greed is Good” – The Phrase That Spurred the EVE Online Riots

When it comes to MMOs, the word Microtransaction has been sacrilege to the average gamer; it’s definitely been the cause of angry gamers since Bethesda and the horse armor debacle. Couple this with the fact that MMOs have been a pretty good cash crop for the last few years, and you have a recipe for success, right? (more…)

E3 – Serious Industry Professionals Only


Quick, what do a travelling carnival and E3 have in common? Mega64 tells you after the jump. (more…)

Video Games: The Last Bastion of Masculinity

Dem thumbs, man. Dem thumbs...

With the recent release and pretend controversy of Duke Nukem Forever, several authors at Lo-Ping have banded together to discuss the topic of masculinity in gaming.  These articles will likely range from offending to benign depending on your stance on this topic, the individual opinions of these authors does not reflect the stance of Lo-Ping as a whole. Feel free to discuss them in the forums!

So I’m unwinding after work, looking at my feed on Facebook when I see that one of my lady friends LIKE’d a group.  The name caught my attention, as well as one of the first posts on the group’s wall.

"Don't hit on me all at once, silly boys~"


Where Are All the Good Star Wars Games?

by Kyle Sondergaard

If you’re anything like me, your biggest disappointment this generation is the lack of Star Wars games we’ve seen. Sure, The Old Republic is in development, but what about everything else? Compared to the masses of Star Wars titles released last generation, The Force Unleashed I and II and The Clone Wars: Republic Heroes don’t amount to much of anything. We’ve all been hoping for another Knights of The Old Republic, Jedi Knight, or Battlefront, but they’re nowhere to be seen. What gives, LucasArts?


Sic Burn! Notch and Minecraft Get Mad Dissed, Yo!

Beloved indie-gaming darling Notch seems to have spawn a Bizarro-world adversary.  A tumblr has recently popped up entitled THE WORD OF KROTCH.  Some things to notice about the parody blog: The gigantic donation button, the references to the vacation, and…a download link?  Yep, that’s right.  LineCraft is real and available to download!

Enjoy your satire.

Top 5 Forum-Breaking E3 Announcements

5. New consoles

We all know this one is coming up eventually, but it’ll be interesting to see if there’s any announcements made about the new consoles for the next generation. We’ve already heard rumors regarding Nintendo’s project cafe and the mysterious ‘Beem‘, but there’s also been talk about developer kits being released based on current PC hardware, similar to what was done in the past before the console were officially announced. Although denied it could be one of those surprises at E3. (more…)

Our Head Is In The Cloud: Cloud Gaming

First off what is cloud gaming? Cloud gaming is basically when all the processing and number crunching is done off site, and a video stream is returned to you which you can interact with. The only work your computer or device does is process the video and send and receive the data to and from the servers. It means that provided you have a stable internet connection, even the weakest of hardware can play top tier games. It opens up a whole new world of possibilities for the gaming world.


Word Bubble of Passwords from Sony’s Servers

The hackers who tapdanced on Sony’s servers last month released the passwords people have used and placed the top entries in word-bubble form.

And apparently…they’re Seinfeld fans.

Click image to embiggen.

Modern Warfare 3 To Have Subscription-based Model?

Ah yes.  Activision.  In another chapter of their storied drama, this gem pops up from the Wall Street Journal.  Apparently, the head honchos over at Activision are seriously considering slapping an additional fee with online play for their, and this is their quote here, “hyper-realistic combat-simulation game” Modern Warfare 3.  The service, called Call of Duty Elite, will feature a $7.99 a month Netflix-type subscription based model for continued access to it, and future installments. (more…)

The Terraria vs. TheBestGamers Crybaby-Fest

Ah, the world of games development: Where ideas are presented and expanded upon, and creative freedom is expressed in interactive form.  And with the aide of the internet, now these ideas can be shared at near-instantaneous levels!  So is it any wonder that along with the spread of IPs comes the spread of controversy?  Case in point, the current mudslinging between a member of the Terraria dev team and website TheBestGamers. (more…)

Born Digital

There is always a danger in the mainstream publication of the representation of the new digital age generation, and that is the concern of who the targeted audience is. That’s very much the way when I picked up Growing Up Digital: The Rise of the Net Generation written by Don Tapscott which very much felt as if it was written from the perspective of a businessman. (That in of itself is ironic as Don Tapscott, himself, is a lawyer and does work in business think tanks.) Not just that, but as someone from the baby boomer generation it is comical coming from the other side of the looking glass.  It reads almost as common sense for those of us born in the period of the digital age, especially gamers who have been part of this digital networking phenomenon from an early age. (more…)

Excuse Me, Bioware: What The F#*% Are You Doing?


So Western RPG hot-spot Bioware is one of gaming’s Sacred Cows.  They’ve given us such gems as Baldur’s Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Star Wars: Knight of the Old Republic, and more recent franchises like Mass Effect and Dragon Age.  So why would a company with such an arguably flawless track record want to screw over their image and isolate their fanbase?  But perhaps we’re getting ahead of ourselves.  Let’s take a closer look at the inner workings behind the scenes of Bioware’s latest work-in-progress: Mass Effect 3. (more…)

Super Smash Bros. Clash Announced (April Fools!)

First there was regular Smash Bros, then there was Melee, next was Brawl – and now – Clash! Yes, Nintendo has officially announced the rumored Super Smash Bros. game for the 3DS, produced by none other than our friends at Hal Laboratories. (more…)

Alarmists Petition to Ban Sales of Duke Nukem Forever from Wal-Mart

DNFIn the wonderful magical world of Duke Nukem Forever’s controversy,  yet another wonderful example of half-cocked knee-jerk responses has revealed itself.  A petition to BAN THE SALE OF THE GAME from Wal-Mart is being circulated online.  At the time of the publishing, the online petition has 3,068 signatures and climbing.


The Plight of the Overburdened and Underpaid: A Quick and Dirty Guide to Budget Gaming and Time Management for the Modern Student on the Go. Part 2

Student's Guide to Budget Gaming

Probably you.

So you’ve organized your time. You’ve got a daily schedule laid out, and a specialized time designated for gaming. You plop down on your beanbag chair, pick up your controller, and…realize you don’t have any games. And no, it’s not because you have a PS3.

Sequelitis: Egoraptor’s New Series


Egoraptor's SequelitisDo you like Video Game reviews?  Do you like well-done voice-acting?!  DO YOU FUCKING LOVE EGORAPTOR?!?!  Then you’re going to love this.  Egoraptor the Flash animator recently covered the topic of Castlevania in his new series, Sequelitis.  Hit the jump for the video.


The Plight of the Overburdened and Underpaid – A Quick and Dirty Guide to Budget Gaming and Time Management for the Modern Student on the Go: Part 1

Empty Pockets

Probably you, right now.

So you’ve hit the big times. You’ve moved out of your parents’ home and are now living in your own apartment/dorm, cramming for test after test, wondering how much money you have left on your meal-plan. Suddenly, a dilemma presents itself: How do you enjoy your beloved hobby without straining your studies and interpersonal relationships while at the same time making sure you have enough money to pay your tuition, rent, or whatever other regular expenditures present themselves? (more…)

School Bullying: A Team Fortress 2 Affair

]Imagine:  Scout and Heavy as school-age children.  Now, what if they didn’t get along so well?  Hit the jump for the video and all the details. (more…)

Lo-Ping Podcast Episode 6: Tim gets interrupted a lot.

Lo-Ping Podcast: Episode 6

Today Lo-Ping brings you a much-belated podcast! Since our hosts Comrade and Brian were indisposed at the time, this episode stars Ben, Tim, Robert, Gavin, and a few words from Victoria.

We discuss topics ranging from journalistic integrity to Canada. It’s a random episode folks. Hit the jump for awesome.  (more…)

New Battlefield 3 Gameplay Trailer

BF3Excited for Battlefield 3? Well, the first real gameplay trailer has been shown at GDC (Game Developer’s Conference). (more…)