Gaming and Pandas


Lo-Ping @ Comic-Con 2011- The Darkness II Demo Impressions

Be still, my beating heart!  Lucky ol’ me got to latch onto the show-floor demo of Darkess II at comic-con.  Unfortunately for you, no images/video could be taken outside of this here booth-shot.  So, without further ado, let’s get right to the blood-and-guts of the game, shall we? (more…)

So…Multiplayer Morrowind?

Imagine this: You’re traversing the barrens of the West Gash when you get swarmed by a mob of cliff racers.  Your mana and health are both low, and after using all the skills at your disposal, you’re still in a hopeless situation.  Enter your non AI friend.  With a few enchants here and there, he buffs you, heals you, and helps you take down this mob better than any AI buddy could.  Mere fantasy?  Apparently not. (more…)

Duke Nukem Forever Demo Impressions

All on Duke, please

by Kyle Sondergaard

After nearly 14 years, Duke is back and he’s got balls of steel. Duke Nukem Forever is finally releasing on June 14th for PC, Xbox 360, and Playstation 3, and those faithful fans who pre-ordered the game or picked up a copy of Gearbox Software’s Borderlands Game of the Year Edition were given access to the demo yesterday. We played it. Spoiler: it’s awesome. (more…)

Modern Warfare 3 Trailer Analysis

by Kyle Sondergaard

Following a run of leaked teasers, Activison has given us the first officially released trailer for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. I’m sure all of you have seen it by now, but you may not have stopped to wonder what’s really going on in this trailer. Let’s take a look. (more…)

First 14 minutes of L.A Noire – Gameplay

Rockstar’s Team Bondi’s starchild LA Noire is a technological darling.  Of that there’s no doubt.  But is the game all face-work?  What’s there in terms of gameplay?  Well, wonder no more.  Cast your peepers at the LA Noire Gameplay video HERE.  Minor spoilers abound, so you’ve been warned.

tri-Ace Technical Demo Trailer

Ever heard of tri-Ace? Unless you’ve played Resonance of Fate/End of Eternity, probably not. But the research and development branch of their department recently put out a tech demo showcasing their Physically-based Rendering technology. What does this mean? Who knows! But gosh it looks purdy! (more…)

Amalgamation of Concept Art from Doug Church/Valve’s “Mass Effect Killer”

Doug Church/Valve's "Mass Effect Killer"

So, remember a while ago when Valve hired Doug Church?  Deus Ex Doug Church?  Thief Doug Church?  System Shock 2 Doug Church?

The stylized art art from most likely a reference board presents a strange view on the familiarities of a dystopian futuristic setting.  Mass Effect killer possibly, maybe?  Extremely too soon to tell.  But it remains intriguing nonetheless.

Images after the jump. (more…)

Crysis 2 on PC – First Impressions

Crysis 2 for PC: First Impressions

By Ben C.

The game has been bashed to hell and back by my fellow PC gamers on GT, on reddit, and on a number of other sites. I wanted to remain neutral. I watched some reviews, took a look at some gameplay footage, and was enticed enough to purchase it on Steam.

Here is how the first hour of gameplay went…


Battlefield 3: Fault Line Part 2 Trailer

When part one of the multi-part gameplay trailer for Battlefield 3 debuted two weeks ago, we promised to bring you part two as well. We have fulfilled that promise.


Prey 2 Announced

Prey 2 Announced

Chris Rinehart, project lead of Human Head Studios, has announced that they are working with Bethesda on a sequel to Prey. (more…)

Incredible Combat Animations, Atmosphere in New Witcher 2 Footage

Preview by: Ben C.

CD Projekt RED’s latest project, The Witcher 2, is set for a May 2011 release. The hype for it couldn’t be stronger amongst RPG-lovers in the PC Gaming community. They recently released around 10 minutes of in-game Pre-Beta footage of the game. Not only does it look beautiful, but it seems to play beautifully as well. Never have I seen swordplay so smooth and well choreographed. (more…)

L.A. Noire Trailer Shows GameStop Pre-Order Bonus

LANOIREA New trailer for Rockstar Games’ upcoming L.A. Noire has been released. The short trailer shows off the “Naked City” case, available exclusively as a bonus for pre-ordering at GameStop. L.A. Noire will be available for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 on May 17.  Hit the jump for the trailer. (more…)

Hands On: Dragon Age 2 Demo (PC)

So I finally got around to downloading the demo for Bioware’s upcoming fantasy epic, Dragon Age 2. I’m normally not one to show interest in demos and betas, but since I loved Dragon Age: Origins and I heard that there were some major changes being made to the game formula, I felt like I should check it out and see what’s what. (more…)